Six Goals You Should Advise Your Clients To Focus On When It Comes To Video Depositions

Posted on: 30 August 2021

A video deposition is often an important part of a court case. If your client needs to give a video deposition, you need to talk with your client about what their goals should be during the deposition to maximize chances of a favorable outcome in the case. The following are six goals you should advise your clients to focus on when it comes to attorney video depositions. Being prepared Clients should not go in for a video deposition without first having prepared with their attorney.
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Choosing An Internet Service Provider

Posted on: 26 April 2017

As with many other choices, we are likely to be overwhelmed with possibilities when choosing an internet service provider. However, we can limit our choices by determining our individual needs. Just as you don't want to pay for two hundred channels of television programming when you only watch a few shows on a regular basis, paying for higher speed internet services is not economically viable if you only use it to check your email or post to social media sites.
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Plainly Piezo: The Everyday Devices With The Geeky Name

Posted on: 19 April 2017

Do you use a fish finder? There's a piezo device situated within it to let you know when you've located that large-mouth bass you've been trying to catch for the last couple of weekends. Did you fire up your gas grill after you caught that elusive bass? You used another piezo device when you pressed the ignitor switch. Are you timing how long it sits on the grill? When your watch beeps, yep, it's another piezo device.
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Consider A Holiday Gift For Your Computer Repair Tech If These Instances Have Occurred

Posted on: 30 March 2017

If you take your home computer to the same repair shop several times throughout the year, you shouldn't feel obligated to show up around the holidays with a small gift. However, if you feel that the technician who handles your work goes above and beyond the call of duty to provide exemplary service, a holiday gift can be a good idea. A gift card for a local sandwich shop or coffee shop are simple gift ideas that can express your satisfaction with the repair shop's service.
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